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  • Writer's pictureAIMEE JONES


A few years ago, I saw an image of a beagle outside the steps of Congress with its ear being held to the camera. Inside the beagle’s ear was a tattooed identification number. I came to learn later that this identification number was a mark of an animal that had been tested upon. I was horrified and researched the nature of the bill that was being put to Congress.

A year or so later, I adopted my dog, Milo. He was listed as a Lab/Beagle mix, but I believe him to be a Black Lab/Beagle/Duck Tolling Retriever mix. He looks mostly like a Duck Toller.

As I was trying to understand his hyperactive and uber-friendly nature, the testing information I learned about beagles a year previously entered my consciousness again. I went to research it more in-depth and found a wonderful charity, the Beagle Freedom Project, which operates out of Los Angeles, California. Basically, this organization rescues beagles and other animals from testing facilities across the world and rehabilitates them in the United States ready for adoptions into loving homes. Many of these dogs are rescued while being transported to meat farms or to be killed. Testing facilities are most often university researchers, pharmaceuticals, and the beauty industry. There is not actually a need to test as computer modelling is a lot more accurate in determining detrimental effects on humans than animal substitutes.

I learned that Beagles are the breed of choice, hence the name of the charity, due to their trusting, docile, and friendly nature. It makes it easier for testing facilities to carry out the awful procedures on them. My heart just broke because I could see Milo being complete trusting of humans and then broken to his core by the heinous activities we would do to him. I kept up with the organization and its mission and purchased merchandise to donate to its cause. We have a couple of items coming this week and we have a t-shirt for me and a bandanna for Milo so we can rep the cause when we are out and about. I have become passionate about this organization and I am so happy to be a supporter!

I hope you will consider either donating towards one of their specific beagles that need medical assistance or by purchasing merchandise to both support their mission visibly and financially. They really are fantastic, and they do so much good for these dogs and other animals that have been through so much unspeakable mental and physical harm. We need more people like Beagle Freedom Project in the world.


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