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  • Writer's pictureAIMEE JONES


ONE – Demand information on the production of the garments on store websites.

Many sustainable clothing websites add sections which tell you where the clothing comes from and even what factory the clothing was produced in. Having this information easily accessible allows the consumer to have more power over ensuring the ethicality of the production life cycle. With fast fashion (fashion that is produced and discarded quickly), a shirt could be made in ten countries and only one is on your label with no other information. This does not allow us to be ensure that the production was ethical or safe. This is how many large corporations get away with not maintaining proper health and safety procedures or a living wage – we don’t check on them or demand the information.

TWO – Pay attention to fabric choice

Natural fibers are *mostly* better in that they came from the earth and, when discarded, they return to a more organic state without much heavy degradation on the environment. The reason I said mostly is because cotton is the world’s most widely used fiber and it is one of the most environmentally degrading due to the excessive use of pesticides and insecticides on the crop. This has been a problem for years but has become excessive in the last decade with the rise of fast fashion. Fashion is not truly built to be fast. When we create new collections in between two and six weeks as opposed to four months, we cut corners. We ask plants to grow beyond their normal yield and, as a result, they become so genetically modified that it is hard to deem them as natural anymore. Cotton is a victim of this issue. Cotton is sometimes even grown in labs now. So, when you throw away that cotton shirt, it is not healthy for the environment any longer. A way to ensure that you are making good clothing choices is to opt for, again, mostly natural fibers and organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown with no pesticides or insecticides, so it is better for the environment, recyclable, and not putting chemicals on your skin. Polyester is NOT a natural fiber, but it is recyclable so do a little more research with this fiber.

THREE – Classic pieces are better

We all want to acquire the latest styles, but classic pieces are more sustainable in the long run because you are much more likely to wear them regardless of season and over many years. A crop top from Forever 21 might be all the rage now but by next year it will be sitting in a pile at the back of your closet or worse… in a landfill. A black blazer, white shirt, black trousers, black pumps, a good-fitting pair of jeans, a denim jacket etc., are all more likely to stay in your closet for years, provided you maintain them well. Buying classic pieces that aren’t “trendy” is a surefire way to limit your environmental footprint and to always have something to wear that is timeless and always acceptable no matter the occasion.

FOUR – Support small businesses

The fashion industry is held up by women. Women are the majority of garment workers across the world and some of the world’s most impressive designers are female. However, females in the industry receive less awards, lower pay, and less stability. When we look at small female-owned businesses, these issues become even more pronounced. Do your best to seek out small female-owned businesses and small businesses period, regardless of gender ownership. These enterprises are so much overlooked but often have so much talent to share with the world. Seek out minority businesses too!

FIVE -- Know that your voice matters

If you see something you do not like in the fashion industry, voice your opinion or change it yourself. Consumers always forget that they are some of the most powerful people in this industry because the fashion industry relies exclusively on consumer demand. If you do not want to spend your money at a business, they must adapt to fit your needs to stay afloat. If you want more diversity, ask. If you want more timeless pieces, ask. If you want more transparency, demand. Your voice may be small, but it is important and the great thing about one small voice is that it usually creates an echo. You’ll find that many others share your views or sentiments and they will feel emboldened by your actions to continue the conversation.

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