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  • Writer's pictureAIMEE JONES


Over the years, I have asked friends what first comes to mind when they think about fashion. Most frequently, the words were negative and often led to feelings of unworthiness. Elitist. Expensive. Isolating. Unrealistic.

The realization of this led me to frame everything I do in fashion positively, while also being completely open and honest about the problems in the industry as far as environmental degradation, lack of diversity, idealism, etc.

I've taught fashion for four years now -- most of the time about how to sell to consumers -- but, in a nutshell, here's what I think of fashion:

Fashion is and should be the most honest and authentic representation of who you are. In this world we live in, it's feels almost too controversial sometimes to be exactly who you are in terms of vocalizing beliefs, supporting causes or people, or even just standing up for yourself. Fashion should alleviate the controversy by virtue of the fact we all have to get dressed every day. There is no way around it (unless you live in a nudist colony...), so why shouldn't we use it as the exemplification of who were are and what we contribute to the world? And guess what? You don't have to be "fashionable" to use fashion in this way -- this truth through clothing is called style. We all have it. We all have the ability to express it.

Your style should be utterly authentic to who you are or who you hope to be. Fashion rules dictate what's in style, but they don't and shouldn't dictate your style. Fashion, framed negatively, seems to drain power from the individual because we feel such pressure to conform or to be "stylish" or to seek appreciation or acceptance from others. In my view, fashion gives the power. Fashion is the suffragettes choosing colors that made them seem more virtuous and, therefore, more worth listening to. Fashion was the miniskirt, which challenged conventions about female subordinance and sexuality. Fashion is the slogan tee that says "Be kind". Fashion is also power when you choose the voice and expression you share with the world. If today is a sweats and sneakers day and tomorrow is a power suit day, there's power in both because they are authentic to your experience. You owe it to yourself to be true to yourself.

If we start thinking of fashion in this way, I think it creates a healthier power dynamic between you and your clothing in the sense that you use it to feel more confident in who you are as opposed to hiding behind trends and what you think you should be wearing for your gender, age, job, sexual orientation, lifestyle, etc. Ignore the fashion trends unless they work for you. Ignore the social media influencers unless they inspire you. Fashion should be aspirational, but aspirational in that you can embody it instead of it being a never-ending exemplification of what you hope to be but can never achieve. Social media does way too much unrealistic aspiration and it is so damaging to young girls and boys.

People ask me, "What should I wear?" and my answer is always, "what makes you more comfortable, confident, and authentically you" and that is allowed to vary on a day to day basis. Style doesn't have rules. It is fluid because authenticity is fluid. Our minds, tastes, experiences, relationships, and lives are ever-changing and we have to allow our style to do the same of we really want to use fashion to the best of its abilities.

Wear who you are.

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