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  • Writer's pictureAIMEE JONES


Updated: Aug 29, 2020

I first met Leslie seven years ago when I took up a job as an Office Assistant at a waste company in midtown Houston. Leslie was one of the first people I met there and I was welcomed with open arms. She immediately became a friend and supporter, training me on programs and treating me with patience and kindness. We formed a bond as two of the youngest people at the company and we leaned on each other when we had difficulties with our boss. Leslie quickly became one of my favorite people in the entire world and still is.

Leslie is always incredibly upbeat in spite of life's circumstances and she treats every person she meets with grace and compassion. In short, she is an incredibly decent human being. If I were to elaborate further, I could tell you she is one of the MOST inspiring and wonderful human beings you will ever come into contact with until I am blue in the face, but I'll let Leslie show you that herself...

What is your job title?

My job title is customer service/logistics. I recently moved into this role in May of 2020.

What are the most rewarding and difficult parts of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is being able to provide the customer with the information they need and having a satisfied customer. I try my best to learn the product we sell or how the company operates that way I provide the customer with the best help possible. The most difficult part of my job is not having the answer to an urgent matter and trying to resolve the problem on the spot.

Are there any other Latina women in your department and has being bilingual helped at all in your job?

Yes, there are Latinas where I work and most of the people I work with are women. Being bilingual has helped me a lot! Especially in my role of customer service.

Who or what inspires you to be successful?

My mother inspires me to be successful. Seeing her work ethic and discipline has motivated me to stay on track and not lose focus. She accomplishes her goals in spite of the many obstacles. She stays positive throughout it too. That inspires me!

How do you maintain such a positive attitude when times are hard?

My mother always used to say “everything has a solution except for death”. I believe it, and it’s definitely helped me see the positive side of things. It sounds a bit morbid and dark to think this way, some may say. I take it as a reminder to be grateful everyday to be alive, no matter what the situation may be, to try and fix it, make it better and move on!

What do good leaders do?

I’ve never been in a leadership position, but in my opinion a good leader is someone who guides, instructs and trains their employees to the best of their abilities. A good leader to me is someone who has a good judgment in character, and does not criticize the employee but helps them grow in whatever skill set the person possesses. Also, being professional and respectful always.

How can workplaces better support their employees?

Workplaces can better support their employees by having a structured plan in place when it comes to training. Everybody learns differently and I believe if the companies have several methods of training this will help their employees understand the purpose and function of their position. They will better execute the job.

If you could give your eighteen-year-old self any advice, what would it be?

If I could give my 18-year-old self advice, it would be to not worry about what people think or say of me. Worrying too much about what others think of me resulted in me hindering myself to try new things or be my true self. Don’t wait to get older to do what you think is right. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

When did you feel most successful?

I don’t have a specific time where I felt most successful because success, to me, is learning something new. I learn something new every day -- to me that is being successful.

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